MediaWiki 的 EmailDiff 套件

先前 MediaWiki 所提供的「變更通知」都只有在信件裡「通知」,而沒有在信件裡列出「改變的內容」,這使得讀信的人要再點進去看... (於是就懶的點了)

而前陣子看到有人寫了 extension 來輸出 diff,解決了這個問題:「MediaWiki extension EmailDiff: notification emails improved」。


Version differences:
@@ -846,5 +887,3 @@
 In cattle, temperament can affect production traits such as carcass and meat 
 quality or milk yield as well as affecting the animal's overall health and 
-reproduction. Cattle temperament is defined as "the consistent behavioral and physiological 
-difference observed between individuals in response to a stressor or environmental 
+reproduction. If you succeed in tipping a cow only partway, such that only one 
+of its feet is still on the ground, you have created lean beef. Such a feat is 
+well done. Naturally, being outside, the cow is unstable. When it falls over, 
+it becomes ground beef. Cattle temperament is defined as "the consistent behavioral 
+and physiological difference observed between individuals in response to a stressor or environmental 
 challenge and is used to describe the relatively stable difference in the behavioral 
 predisposition of an animal, which can be related to psychobiological mechanisms.


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