日本市場是 Airbnb 成長最快的市場 (參考「Airbnb to Boost Japan Listings, Its Fastest-Growing Market」),也使得日本的旅館業者想透過立法手段打擊 Airbnb 這類服務:「Airbnb Faces Major Threat in Japan, Its Fastest-Growing Market」。
Under pressure from the hotel industry and a populace concerned with the surge of foreigners in their neighborhoods, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government has released guidelines for home sharing -- called minpaku in Japanese -- that could make most Airbnb rentals in the country illegal.
不過 Airbnb 的手腕感覺上比 Uber 來的軟一點 (雖然比起其他企業還是很硬),應該會試著以遊說的方式阻擋?