在翻「Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For February 19th, 2016」這邊的資料時看到這篇文章講到 Zing JVM 大幅降低了他們在 C10M 時遇到的 latency 問題:「Fast C10M: MigratoryData running on Zing JVM achieves near 1 Gbps messaging to 10 million concurrent users with 15 millisecond consistent latency」。
包括了平均值、99% 值、最大值都大幅下降:
In this post, we show that by simply replacing the JVM with Zing JVM out-of-the-box (without any tuning), and preserving the same C10M benchmark scenario and setup, we can reduce the average latency from 61 milliseconds to under 15 milliseconds. Moreover, and more importantly, the latency spikes can be significantly reduced from 585 milliseconds to 25 milliseconds for the 99th percentile latency and from 1700 milliseconds to 126 milliseconds for the maximum latency. Therefore, every single message can be delivered, even in the worst case, with almost no delay.
而且他們發現最高的 126ms 也不是 GC 造成的,而是 benchmark 這邊造成的:
And so, the relatively high latency spikes we saw in the previous C10M benchmark were due to JVM’s Garbage Collection (GC). In the new benchmark, not only Zing JVM didn’t introduce high latency spikes, but based on analyzing the logs, it appears that GC effects no longer dominate latency behavior. The dramatically improved 126 ms max latency is not caused by GC but by other condition of the benchmark setup. Anyway, this max latency was so small for a web architecture that we did not spend time to determine at which level exactly it occurred.
Zing 的價錢是一台 USD$8000/year,另外也有虛擬機版本 (另外報價),如果遇到 JVM GC 問題,看起來會是個可以花錢解決問題的方案:
Zing® is priced on a subscription basis per server. With per-server pricing, you don’t need to worry about core counts, memory size, or number of instances deployed per server. The annualized subscription price for Zing per physical server ranges from $8000 (for a single license) to under $2000 (for orders above 1000 servers). Higher volumes and longer subscription terms will reduce the per-server price for Zing. Pricing for virtual servers is also available upon request.