Google Chrome 將在明年三月停止 32bits Linux 版本支援

在「Google ends 32-bit Linux support for Chrome」這邊看到新聞,引用自「Updates to Google Chrome Linux support」這邊的消息:

To provide the best experience for the most-used Linux versions, we will end support for Google Chrome on 32-bit Linux, Ubuntu Precise (12.04), and Debian 7 (wheezy) in early March, 2016. Chrome will continue to function on these platforms but will no longer receive updates and security fixes.

We intend to continue supporting the 32-bit build configurations on Linux to support building Chromium. If you are using Precise, we’d recommend that you to upgrade to Trusty.

既然還是會支援 32bits 的情況 (透過 Chromium),到時候應該會有 PPA 出來頂著讓大家用?

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