Node.js 在 4.0 開始啟動 LTS (Long Term Support) 計畫:「Node v4.0.0 (Stable)」。
可以參考「Node.js Long-term Support Working Group」這邊的說明。最主要的重點是生命週期,首先是每六個月就會放一次新版,跟 Ubuntu 相同,也都是四月與十月:
In parallel, we will be branching a new Stable line of releases every 6 months, one in October and one in April each year.
每個 LTS 版本將會有 18 + 12 = 30 個月的支援期:
This means that there will be overlapping LTS branches being maintained throughout the year, each receiving attention for a total of 30 months (LTS plus Maintenance).
這張圖說明了 LTS 與維護的時間線:
有個 LTS 的指標可以挑了...