用 JavaScript 就可以攻擊 L3 cache,進而取得資料:「JavaScript CPU cache snooper tells crooks EVERYTHING you do online」。
論文出自「The Spy in the Sandbox – Practical Cache Attacks in Javascript」(PDF) 這篇。
不需要任何外掛或 exploit,就純粹是利用 cache 反應時間的 side-channel attack。另外由於 AMD 的 cache 架構不同,這次的攻擊實作僅對 Intel 有效:
The Intel cache micro-architecture isinclusive– all elements in the L1 cache must also exist in the L2 and L3 caches. Conversely, if a memory element is evicted fromthe L3 cache, it is also immediately evicted from the L2 and L1 cache. It should be noted that the AMD cachemicro-architecture is exclusive, and thus the attacks described in this report are not immediately applicable tothat platform.
SCA 問題,想像力才是極限!