Cisco 在十月宣佈的 Open source H.264 codec 已經在 GitHub 上放出來了:「Open Source H.264 Codec」,這個實作包括了 encoder 與 decoder。
用的是 BSD 2-Clause License:「LICENSE」。
目前的支援度:(直接複製 OS Support 這段)
- Windows 64-bit and 32-bit (initial release is only 32-bit, 64-bit will follow soon)
- Mac OS X 64-bit (initial release does not include this target, will follow soon)
- Linux 64-bit and 32-bit (initial release is only 32-bit, 64-bit will follow soon)
- Android 32-bit (initial release does not include this target, will follow soon)
- iOS 64-bit and 32-bit (not supported yet, may be added in the future)
看起來目前只支援桌機上的 32bits...
然後已知的問題:(複製 Known Issues 這段)
- Encoder errors when resolution exceeds 3840x2160
- Encoder errors when compressed frame size exceeds half uncompressed size
- Encoder console app only support multiple of 16 width/height for now
- Decoder errors when compressed frame size exceeds 1MB
上面那陀 Known Issue 不是應該是 H.265 要解的問題嗎? XD