在 Rasmus 的 Twitter 上面提到了:
Feels a bit odd to be unemployed. Probably crazy to leave the best job I have ever had, but after 7+ years it was time for something new. #
依據 Wikipedia 上的紀錄,Rasmus Lerdorf 是上個禮拜 (11 月 6 日) 離開 Yahoo! 的。
在 Rasmus 的 Twitter 上面提到了:
Feels a bit odd to be unemployed. Probably crazy to leave the best job I have ever had, but after 7+ years it was time for something new. #
依據 Wikipedia 上的紀錄,Rasmus Lerdorf 是上個禮拜 (11 月 6 日) 離開 Yahoo! 的。
猜猜他會去哪裡? 我個人的猜測是 Facebook.
好像還蠻像的,也是用 PHP 用很深的大公司...