在 Slashdot 上看到 ORDB 將在月底結束營業的消息:ORDB.org Going Offline,官方的公告在 ORDB.org is shutting down 這篇,預定 2006 年年底全部關閉,屆時網頁也無法連上,所以放一份公告在最後面吧。
ORDB 是一項免費卻擁有接近 0% 誤判的 DNSBL 服務,ORDB 讓使用者輸入要求偵測的 IP address,然後 ORDB 就會以程式自動偵測是否為 Open Relay 然後列入名單。
Open Relay 對於發廣告信的人是成本最低的方式,但由於有 ORDB 存在,對於想要擋的人也是最容易阻擋的方式。參考我之前寫過的 擋 mail spam 這篇。
利用 ORDB 擋正規的 Mail Server,再利用 Greylisting 擋直接連線到 SMTP server 但不正規的 Mail Client 是目前前端最好的方法:幾乎 0 的誤判率但是阻擋的比率又高。在 KKcity 上面這樣做可以讓後面實際的 Mail Server 省很多資源。
現在只好靠 SpamCop 了,不過偶而會有使用者把從 gmail.com 的信件丟進去然後就誤判了...
We regret to inform you that ORDB.org, at the ripe age of five and a half, is shutting down. It's been a case of a long goodbye as very little work has gone into maintaining ORDB for a while. Our volunteer staff has been pre-occupied with other aspects of their lives. In addition, the general consensus within the team is that open relay RBLs are no longer the most effective way of preventing spam from entering your network as spammers have changed tactics in recent years, as have the anti-spam community.
We encourage system owners to remove ORDB checks from their mailers immediately and start investigating alternative methods of spam filtering. We recommend a combination involving greylisting and content-based analysis (such as the dspam project, bmf or Spam Assassin).
DNS and the mailing lists will vanish today, December 18, 2006.
This website will vanish by December 31, 2006.
ORDB 結束後,跟隨而來的是成山成海的廣告信...