Slashdot 的報導,SSH Communications (當初發展 SSH Protocol 的公司) 認為 OpenSSH 的品質不足以成為企業級的產品:(SSH Claims Draw Open Source Ire)
OpenSSH is not an enterprise-class product that is needed for the demands of a large-scale deployment. We do not compare OpenSSH to our SSH Tectia solution, since it's far from the same,
可是 OpenSSH 的佔有率遠遠超越其他人 XD
However, OpenSSH is very popular and is commonly deployed in almost all BSD, Unix and Linux systems. More than 87 percent of Internet-facing servers were using OpenSSH, according to an OpenSSH Internet scan in September 2004.
這段 Comment 直接說明了 SSH Communications 的氣量:
They claimed OpenSSH was not "enterprise ready". Pointing out that many, many enterprises not only use it, but build it into their products is a fairly compelling rebuttal.
They are either using their own private definition of "enterprise" that doesn't include organisations like Cisco, or they are lying. Either way, they are discredited.
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